Your ATS blocks out dozens of juniors legitimate talent.

We derisk hiring junior engineers by vetting top-of-the-pile candidates, training them to YOUR tech stack and providing continuous mentorship.
Scale your team now.

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We've helped companies of all sizes to evolve their hiring process

Mission Impossible: Finding tech talent in 2022

Traditional recruiters are not equipped to assess non-conforming engineers. You are losing connections with great talents as we speak.

Tech-blind recruiters

Most tech recruiters don't know about the technologies you are hiring for and can't read through the lines to detect potential. Education bias blocks out an entire population of great employees to even reach your inbox.

Senior profiles shortage

Every senior engineers is courted left and right and wages have went up tremendously, but not all positions require a deep senior-worthy expertise.

High noise to signal ratio when opening junior positions

If you have ever tried opening a junior engineer role, you know that's it's not funny to sieve through hundreds of seemingly identical low-quality applications.

We identify, vet and level up top-potential talents from unconventional backgrounds.

We animate the initiative, a friendly community dedicated to teach actual, employable skills needed by companies like yours.

We are experts at detecting potential and undervalued top talents in our community. We give them extra mentorship and place them with great companies (like yours :-))

Our bench of professionals include previously QA managers, data analysts, business owners, teachers, veterans... all with great soft skills and hungry to make an impact !

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15+ years in education and tech leadership, distilled for you

We are engineers first and foremost. Where others see "not enough", we see potential and train on what's missing.

The intersection of technical know-how, product expertise and hiring management experience gives unique insights to audit your processes, train your engineers on mentorship and find you diamonds-in-the-rough you won't believe even exist.

Hiring and development process audit

Is your organization ready to tap into the wealth of motivated junior engineers ?

We interview and thoroughly evaluate your sourcing, interview, onboarding, product and development processes to make it junior-ready. Our deep product and engineering expertise makes all the difference.

Book my process audit

Custom bootcamp design on your unique tech stacks and SDLC processes.

Get your own, company-specific bootcamp and level up your junior engineers on your tech stack instantly.

We are the only hiring partner on the market able to design a course and ongoing mentorship adapted to your in-house processes.

Book my custom bootcamp consultation

Engineer placement

We carefully sieve through our talent community with a rigorous attention to analytical skills, framework familiarity and soft skills. We'll present only the best profiles. You just have to evaluate for team fit and you're ready to move to offer !

As we are engineers, we are able to combine sourcing and technical evaluation in 1 cost effective package.
We are the only recruiters that can train your new employees before and after the start date. Remove the load on your senior engineers and make sure that your new hires are hitting the ground running.

We open a dedicated private channel with our placed engineers and help them fill their technical gaps, onboard on your processes and prepare high-quality pull requests. Get from 0 to first contribution in no time.

I want to meet motivated juniors

Scale your team today

We're happy to jump on a call any time and discuss your custom needs!

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